2011 Statistics-Amarillo's crime rate down 3.2%.
Amarillo Chief of Police Robert Taylor announced that the Amarillo Police Department has completed tabulation of the city’s 2010 crime statistics.
Overall, the crime rate in 2010 was down 3.2 % from 2009. The largest decrease was in the offense of robbery, with a 32.1% decrease from 2009. The totals and percentages are as follows:
Offense 2010 2009 Percent Change 10/09
Homicide 10 10 0.0%
Rape 91 99 -8.1%
Robbery 239 352 -32.1%
Ag Aslt 845 1116 -24.3%
Burglary 2590 2561 1.1%
Theft 7800 7759 0.5%
Auto Thft 641 709 -9.6%
Arson 54 75 -28.0%
Total 12270 12681 -3.2%
The public's continuing support of the Amarillo Police Dept. is a key part in the effort to reduce crime.
For full details, go to https://local.nixle.com/alert/4656090/?sub_id=139500.
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